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Invest in Single Family Homes or Multiplexes?
Which is better to invest in? Single family homes or multi-unit rental properties? With the stock market rising and falling like the Rockies, my wife and I are beginning to look for another option to place some more of our hard-earned money. Since a year ago, we have...
5 Ways to Avoid Financial Burnout
3 Obscure Ways to Save Money
There are so many tips for saving money out there, tips like: Learn to coupon and save 20% off your grocery bills Spend with only cash instead of credit cards Drive slower to save on gas Increase your deductible to save money on your insurance premiums Sign up for a...
How to Start Spending Less Than You Earn
Spending less than you earn is one of the most popular personal finance concepts that everyone should adopt. It may sound easy at first, but if you don’t budget, live in an area with a high cost of living or tend to overspend, it may be a little difficult to...
Is Debt Really a Tool for Creating Wealth?
When I was in college, I took on student loan debt. After graduation, I got into credit card debt. I then got married and began the American dream by signing up for mortgage debt. When the marriage failed, I was forced into paying the settlement debt. Through my short...