Investing My Money in 3 Main Areas

Investing My Money in 3 Main Areas

“If you want a secure retirement when you’re older, you should be investing 15% of your money today.” This is what you’ll hear many financial gurus say when asked what percent of your income should be put away for retirement. Allow me to let...
4 Common Sense Tips for Investing

4 Common Sense Tips for Investing

Are you currently investing some of your hard-earned money toward retirement? Based on the recent reports, approximately 52% of all Americans are not investing in the stock market, and I sure hope that you’re not included in that staggering percentage. By not...
My Simple 3-Part Investment Plan

My Simple 3-Part Investment Plan

Saving for retirement doesn’t have to be complicated. But yet, there are quite a few people out there that are so intimidated by investing that they never even start! Do you know what this ultimately costs them?? Let’s say that Jimmy had the chance to...
Investing In Commodities – An Overview

Investing In Commodities – An Overview

When looking to the commodities market, one can make some serious gains provided they do their homework. Of course, some people do not understand or follow these markets and have no idea how to make money investing in commodities. Here, we discuss ten of the top...