Are you a woman looking for a college scholarship or grant? You are in luck! There are several scholarships that are only available to females. You just took out half of your “competition” and that is a great start to seeking money for college. Students...
Who are the best millennial personal finance bloggers? I take a deep dive and through countless hours of research have found the best of the best. But first, what exactly was I looking for when starting this journey? What traits do they have in common? Read on......
Ever got a raise at work? Sure you have. Where did it go? How did you spend it? My guess is you bought something, charged even more on your credit cards, or bought a bigger house or a nice car. Sound familiar? If you are guilty of this (and make no mistake I’ve...
If you run a small business, whether online or brick and mortar, you might see some of your competitors starting their own podcasts. But what is a podcast and is it right for your business? What Is A Podcast? Simply put a podcast is self-published audio content that...
Recently I talked about what death would mean to your family if you passed away unexpectedly. If you allow yourself to “go there” for just a minute, you will quickly realize that your death would put your family into a tough spot. Setting aside the...